

I stand with my bare feet on the ground, gently swaying.  The wind picks up, swirling, gusty, thick and strong.  It starts down low and builds. I surrender to it, the sensation, it moves through me easily as I let go of tension.  You are coming to me, you are moving down.  I have no say, only a choice for ease or struggle. They worry you are not coming quickly enough because I do not cry and wail, I do not doubt and fear. 

I wonder for a moment as I sway in front of my rose bushes, a butterfly flies to the roses and lands on a leaf, it is waiting for the wind to pass, I thought why struggle when you can wait for it to pass.  But it is not waiting, it is being.  It’s not a thought, it knows in its essence how to be, to flow.  And so it does, it does not resist its true nature to please others or to struggle forward when signs say just be. 

The wind passes and the butterfly flies onward.  I know then to just be. I am reminded of myself, I let go and allow.  You enter quickly with a force so powerful my body moans and shudders intensely.  I grab your fathers hand, it is electric, we are all joined.  I am renewed instantly, he reminds me again of myself, I can. It only takes minutes for your final descent, gentle all day, but now is the time, it is fast, the force of your entry takes my body over.  I shudder rythymically  and moan, they help, guiding me to try and slow things, “gently, gently”.  You want to be here now, and so you enter the water with a force, you are thriving already, joyful and calm. You are here my darling, and we are together.