

I love looking at sunlight landing on leaves

holding them.

Its a sunny day,

and I’m laying down in the sand at the lake.

The breeze brings the smell of the water, and the feel of the freshness and cleaness to my skin, to my nose, to my body and to my lungs.

I breathe it into my body

and softly gaze to the leaves on the tree that I lay underneath. 

I see a leaf 

and the leaf sees me.

The leaf is in the sunshine

it is so beautiful.

The leaf is warm and fed and nourished as the sun holds the leaf,

all day the sun will do this.

I start to feel the love the sun has for the leaf, in my body, deep in my body. 

The leaf and the sun loves me too 

i can feel it,

and i love the leaf and the sun, and the sun loving the leaf, and the leaf loving the sun, we all love each other.  I can feel this love in my body.

The feeling throughout my body, is gentle at first,

building and growing as the wind blows

It’s almost too much, I want to stay with the feeling, to let the love in.

It’s frequency higher and higher, pink and gold tones as its presence inside of me strengthens.

I have surrendered to our union, I am allowing,

The reciprocity transcends rapidly as we flow together,

the meeting of our love for each other is a river, a rising tide.

The ecstasy is completely.

The trees love emanates in its own form inside my body, I can feel the tree, the leaves fluttering, the feeling shows me the form of the tree inside of me, it is awe strikingly beautiful.

The leaves flutter on the tree inside and outside of me, my entire being is lifted into love higher and higher.

We are in wholeness together, in soulful ecstasy,

the most sacred of unions.

I weep at the simplicity of our love,

and the felt knowing that it is given freely always.

I need only breathe with her.